Section 1. Membership. Membership in the Division and transfer of membership between Divisions shall be governed by the rules of the USFA. Membership rights in the Division are limited to members of the USFA in good standing. A person may become a member of the Division at the time of joining the USFA.

Section 2. Territory. Any person residing within the aforementioned geographic areas of the DIVISION, or participating in a fencing club within this same area, shall be eligible for membership in the DIVISION. No member of the DIVISION may be a member of any other Division of the USFA.

Section 3. Season. The fencing season begins August 1st and ends the following July 31st, and is equivalent to the DIVISION fiscal year.

Section 4. Notice. Notice given in advance of any event or meeting of any committee or board specified herein shall be construed as an announcement published in the NEWSLETTER or on the DIVISION website no less than thirty (30) days prior to said event or meeting, unless otherwise specified.

Section 5. Last Known Address. Any posted material shall be deemed validly given or delivered if mailed to a member at the address last designated by such member to the Secretary of the USFA or, failing/superseding such designation, in care of the SECRETARY.

Section 6. Classes of membership: Membership shall be the same as that designated from time to time by the USFA.

Section 7. Proof of membership. Valid proof of current membership in the USFA shall be construed as:

a. A USFA Membership Card
b. A facsimile or authorized copy of the USFA Membership Application;
c. A receipt for dues previously paid for enrollment in the USFA; or
d. Appearance on a current Membership Report as furnished by the USFA.

Section 8. Transfers. Membership may be transferred into the DIVISION provided that the transferee has a current valid membership card from the USFA. The standing of a transferee’s membership shall accompany said transfer.

Section 9. Good standing. The benefits of membership in good standing include being entitled to:

a. Compete in DIVISION-sanctioned events and/or request sanction for tournaments;
c. Serve on the Election Committee and/or other standing committees;
d. Nominate candidates for office and propose by-law amendments;
e. Participate in membership meetings; and
f. Vote on all DIVISION business, if the member is no less than eighteen (18) years old at the time of voting.

Section 10 Disciplinary Procedures. Suspension from competition is the DIVISION’S method of rectification, and renders a member’s standing as poor. A member may be suspended for default of rental-contract, issuance of bad checks, or any reasons stipulated hereafter. The BOARD OF DIRECTORS by a two-thirds vote of the members voting shall have the power to suspend from competition any member whose conduct may be deemed detrimental to the welfare, interests or character of the DIVISION. Should a member be discovered to have participated in a DIVISION-sanctioned event, despite having been suspended from competition, the DIVISION will invalidate the member’s finish, annul any rating earned by the member at said event, and suspend the member from competition for a duration ending six (6) months beyond the date of said event or the remainder of the current fencing season, whichever is longer.