Section 1. Composition. Advisory guidance of the DIVISION shall be vested in a BOARD OF DIRECTORS consisting of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, up to two CLUB-REPRESENTATIVES from each member-club in the DIVISION, and other ex-officio Directors as appointed by the BOARD OF DIRECTORS.

Section 2. Club Representatives. The expression of the will of each member-club of the USFA within the DIVISION shall be vested in up to two (2) CLUB REPRESENTATIVES. Members shall be recognized as officially representing their club by a statement of verification signed by the club’s president or organizer. Said statement shall be presented to the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE prior to the representative’s participation in any meeting of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Said statement shall also acknowledge an official spokesperson for the club, should two (2) representatives be designated. Clubs may alter their representatives when they desire, but must keep the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE informed of said alterations using the aforementioned statement of verification.

Section 3. Duties. Duties of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS shall include approval of the yearly budget, approval of the schedule of DIVISION sponsored tournaments and approval of the Operations Manual.

Section 4. Meetings. Meetings of the BOARD OF DIRECTORS shall be held on an interim basis, specified prior to the conclusion of the preceding meeting. When held, the meeting shall directly precede the meeting of the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE, at such time and place as shall be designated by the EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.